Studies on Transfer of Technology
Titles of research papers/articles on studies on transfer of technology published in CR Vol. 1 to 14 (1988-97). For full text, please contact to Editor-in-chief at : 1. R. R. Kashikar [Employment pattern and earning status of small farmers in Madhya Pradesh—-A case study]. Crop Res. 5 (1) : 149-153 (1992). J. N. Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, College of Agriculture, Indore-452 001, India. 2. Sandhya Choudhary, H. K. Mehta and N. S. Bhadoria [Role of tribal farm women in agricultural practices in rabi and kharif season in Jhabua district of M. P.]. Crop Res. 13 (2) : 515-517 (1997). Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Jhabua (M. P.), India. 3. R. N. Barman and Parveen Kumar [Economic performance of share-croppers : A case study of Nalbari district, Assam]. Crop Res. 12 (1) : 104-110 (1996). Department of Agricultural Economics, B. N. College of Agriculture, Distt. Sonitpur-784 176 (Assam), India. 4. S. N. Sharma, Amit Chatterjee and M. S. Rao [Role perception and performance of Rural Agricultural Extension Officers working under Intensive Extension and Research Project]. Crop Res. 11 (2) : 251-252 (1986). J. N. K. V. V. College of Agriculture, Sehore-466 001, India. 5. S. N. Sharma, R. K. Toria and Amit Chatterjee [Role of family in decision making for adoption of improved agricultural technology]. Crop Res. 10 (3) : 384-386 (1995). J. N. K. V. V. College of Agriculture, Sehore-466 001 (M. P.), India. 5. K. K. Saxena and R. L. Singh [Studies on participation of rural leaders in village institutions]. Crop Res. 13 (1) : 205-210 (1997). J. N. K. V. V. Collge of Agriculture, Indore (M. P.), India. 6. R. Lal, V. K. Makhija and R. S. Narwal [Crop loan : Utilization behaviour of borrower farmers]. Crop Res. 14 (3) : 523-527 (1997). Department of Extension Education, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125 004, India. 7. A. M. Rajput, A. R. Verma, K. K. Saxena and Y. S. Thakur [Impact of farm loan on farm income—-A case study of State Bank of India in Indore district of Madhya Pradesh]. Crop Res. 11 (3) : 372-374 (1996). J. N. K. V. V. College of Agriculture, Indore-452 001 (M. P.), India. 8. R. S. Chauhan and K. N. Rai [Prediction of short-term production credit requirement in Karnal district in Haryana]. Crop Res. 2 (2) : 240-243 (1989). Department of Agricultural Economics, Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125 004, India. 9. T. N. Sharma, V. B. Sharma and K. K. Saxena [Factors associated with knowledge index and adoption of dairy farming technologies by beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of the KVK, Chhindwara district (M. P.)]. Crop Res. 11 (3) : 375-380 (1996). Directorate of Extension, J. N. Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur (M. P.), India.